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Get Started (Part 1) Print

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There are very few steps needed to have a working website. Below are the minimum steps required to get started. 

Go to

Login with the details below. You will be prompted to change the login details the first time you enter the system:


Password: WelcomeToDaycarePromotion

Account Information

Go to “Account Information” in the left menu.

Enter the following:

  • Daycare name (This is prefilled with the information you signed up with)
  • Contact phone number (This is prefilled with the information you signed up with)
  • Email address (This is prefilled with the information you signed up with)
  • Daycare address
  • Google Maps Iframe
  • Google Maps link


Click “Save”. 


Go to “Website - Global” click on the  “Logo” panel, click “Change”, select your logo file fro-m your computer and click open.

Use the corners of the blue box to crop out any white space fro-m the logo. Click “Crop” and then click “Save”.

Suggestion: For best results use a logo with a transparent background. If you don’t have one and would like us to remove the white background fro-m a logo please submit a ticket

Further down the page, click on “Social”. Enter your social media links. If you don’t have social media accounts leave these empty and they will not show on the website. 

Scroll further down to “Opening Hours”, add your opening hours and click “Save”. 


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