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Social Print

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This area allows you to post to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter all f-rom one place.

Connect accounts


To connect Facebook click “Connect Facebook”.

Click “Connect”.

Click “Got it”.

You will then be returned to the Daycare Promotion System.


When you create a post and click on the “LinkedIn” icon, and click share you will be prompted to log into your LinkedIn account.


The twitter API requires an App to allow automated posting.

Go to and log in on the top right using your Twitter login.

Click on “Developer Portal

Click “Sign up for free account

Enter the reason for needing this App; you can use a description such as this:

I use a Daycare Promotion marketing system which allows me to post automatically to various social media platforms. I will be creating posts in this system and using the Twitter API to send tweets directly to my page, I need to add the API details in the system.

Check all the checkboxes to accept the terms.

Click on the edit/gear icon in “Project App”.

Click on “Set Up

Select “Read and write” under App Permissions

Select “web App” as the type of App.

Under callback URL enter:

Under website URL enter:

Replace “” with your website domain name.

Submit the form, and on the next screen click “Done”.

On the App home screen click on “Keys and Tokens

Under “Consumer Keys” click on “Regenerate”.

Copy the keys and save them.

Click “Yes, I saved them

Under “Access Token and Secret” click “Generate".

Copy the keys and save them and click “Yes, I saved them

Log into your Daycare Promotion system.

Go to “social”.

Click on “Config”.

Add the “Consumer Keys” in the top two boxes.

Add the “Access Token and Secret” Keys in the bottom two boxes.

Create and publish a post

Enter the text in the field labelled “Your Thoughts”.

To add an image click “Choose file” and select an image f-rom your computer.

Click which social media platforms should show your post.

Click "Share".

Posts should appear on your social media platforms in minutes.


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