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About Us The about us content shows on the homepage of the website and also on the About Us page. To... Contact Us The Contact Us area only has one header image to change, as the contact information from “Account... FAQs The FAQs appear on the “About Us” page. To edit or add FAQs click on “Add FAQ” Enter the... Gallery The gallery appears on the homepage and on the Gallery page. To change the header image click... Global Publish/Unpublish Website The website will be installed unpublished. This gives you the... Home page slider Some templates have a slider with images, text and buttons. Other templates only have images.... Information The system comes with an extra page that can be published in case you have information for... News / Blog The website includes an area with articles/news. The most recent blog posts appear on the... Page Settings The website installation comes with all pages published, except for the additional information... Services The services Introduction content shows on the “Services” page. To change the large header image... Services list This area comes pre-populated with the most common daycare services. Remove any services that you... Team The team Introduction content shows on the “team” page and on the homepage of the website. To... Testimonials The Introduction content shows on the “testimonials” page and on the homepage on some templates.... Tracking The system comes ready for the most common tracking codes that you may want to include on your...
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