The website includes an area with articles/news. The most recent blog posts appear on the homepage and the rest appear in the news/blog page.
To change the header image click “Replace Image”, select an image for your computer and click “open”.
The cropping funcion will crop the image to the correct proportion; you are able to make the bounding box larger and smaller but you can not change the proportions. Once you have selected the desired area of the image click “Crop”.
To add a blog post
Click “Add News”
Click “Select featured Image”, select an image fro your computer and click “Open”.
Add a blog post title.
Add the post content. In the content area you can add images, videos, quotes etc. There are many formatting options to create attractive blog posts.
If you do not select a date the post will be published immediately. If you would like posts to be scheduled you can set future dates for publishing.
Click “Save”
Share posts on social media platforms
Keeping active on social media platforms, and linking back to your website helps position your website in the search engines and drives more traffic to your website. When you create a new blog post click on the social media icons to share the article.